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The Eagle Express: Third Quarter Newsletter

Posted Date: 3/24/25 (3:54 PM)

The Joplin Schools logo of an Eagle head in maroon, navy, white, and grey.

The Eagle Express

Dr. Sachetta's Quarterly Newsletter

March 21, 2025

A message from the Superintendent


We’ve officially wrapped up the third quarter, and I want to take a moment to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students and staff. With just one quarter to go, we’re looking forward to a strong finish filled with even more growth and learning.

As we head into the final stretch, we’re also gearing up for our Academic All-Star celebrations. This special recognition honors students who achieved proficient, advanced, or growth scores on last year’s MAP test. Elementary students will be recognized at evening events next month; Middle school Academic All-Stars will be celebrated during the school day in their buildings. More details about these celebrations will be shared soon by each school’s principal, and we couldn't be more proud to honor the hard work of so many.

We hold these events at this time of year to emphasize the importance of giving your best effort on the upcoming MAP tests later this spring. We’re proud of our students’ achievements and excited to see their continued success. Teachers and educator teams, I want to especially thank you for the ways you've worked so carefully to prepare students for these opportunities. We know the MAP tests are only one measure of student success, so we look forward to highlighting those successes alongside many more. Good work to you all.

Thank you to our students and staff for buckling down together - it's an honor to see your progress unfold. Let’s make the fourth quarter the best yet.
Dr. Sachetta is smiling

District Updates

A classroom filled with teachers, facing two teacher-leaders at the front of the room beside a presentation on a whiteboard.

Joplin Connect: Our Local Education Summit

Joplin teachers and educator teams hosted the inaugural Joplin Connect Education Summit, offering professional development sessions to their peers during a day of in-house learning earlier this spring.

The district's Learning Services department spearheaded the event, inviting teachers to submit presentation topics they would be excited to share with colleagues to help build institutional capacity at all grade levels.

A total of 225 sessions were offered between the Elementary Summit, held at East Middle School, and the Secondary Summit, held at Joplin High School. Staff approached the conference-like schedule by choosing sessions based on their own needs and interests.

"The teams we have here in Joplin Schools are phenomenal and they have so much to offer one another,” said Joplin High School principal Dr. Randy Oliver. “I’m impressed daily by their creativity, knowledge, and passion for teaching and for being lifelong learners themselves. I’m excited to see them present on topics that are important to them and useful for their colleagues.”

Feedback about Joplin Connect has been very positive, and the Learning Services team is working to incorporate suggestions into next year's continuation of the event.

Thank you to all who made this PD event such a success! Your work continues to show that we are a district of learners from top to bottom, and we're grateful for your generous expertise!
A library full of adult guests are seated at tables looking at the front of the room where two suited administrators or leading a presentation.

Long Range Facilities Update

The Board of Education in January approved the recommendations of the district’s Long Range Facility Planning Committee for a first phase of projects geared toward addressing educational suitability, intensive programs, and early childhood expansion.

The committee identified three areas of highest priority to address: Suitable educational spaces for all students, Suitable Special Education spaces for intensive programs, and Early Childhood/PreK expansion. While many possible short- and long-term projects were identified based on these priorities, the committee recommended a focus on three buildings for Phase 1 (short-term) projects for a total of $9.5 million, to be funded by Capital Outlay Reserves.

The following projects were approved:

Jefferson Elementary School: Kindergarten/SPED addition; Classroom addition; Remodel and secure entry; Remodel and renovate the Cafeteria, Nurse’s office, Art/Music classrooms, Library, and support rooms.

Royal Heights Elementary School: Kindergarten addition; Remodel and renovate the Cafeteria, Library, and Art/Lab classrooms; Remodel Early Childhood classroom and entry canopy.

McKinley Elementary School: Addition for Music, Art, and Early Childhood classrooms; Remodel and renovate the Administrative Offices, Nurse’s Office, Kindergarten classroom, Library, SPED OT/PT, SPED Suite, Cafeteria/Kitchen, and classroom.

Many thanks to the Long Range Facility Planning Committee for their extensive work to discover and support the needs of students and staff. The committee plans to present their final, longer-term recommendations to the Board in June 2025.

Teacher of the Year Finalists

Congratulations to the 2024-25 Joplin Schools Teacher of the Year Finalists!

  • Shanon Cooper, Transitional Kindergarten, Cecil Floyd Elementary
  • Zach Gibson, Social Studies, East Middle School
  • Jessica Giddens, Math, South Middle School
  • Laurie Olson, ELA, North Middle School
  • Melissa Talbott, PreK, Joplin Early Childhood
Out of more than 300 community and district nominations, these finalists were not only celebrated as their building's Teacher of the Year winners, but were chosen as finalists based on their written application questions demonstrating the highest levels of commitment, skill, and dedication to their students and their craft.

Finalists have since been invited to meet with an panel of interviewers, who will soon announce the district's overall Teacher of the Year for 2024-25.

The best of the best serve Joplin's students, and we're honored to celebrate their impacts!
A photo collage of 5 smiling adults who are listed as the district's Teacher of the Year finalists.

Student Success in Joplin Schools

A female teenage student smiling in a school yearbook photo

Missouri Scholars Academy Awardee!

JHS Sophomore Gabrielle Kelso has been chosen to participate in the 2025 session of the Missouri Scholars Academy! 

This is a residential academic camp that enrolls academically gifted students and provides a curriculum designed to enhance students' academic skills; assimilate the accumulated knowledge of culture; relate to contemporary issues; deepen understanding of themselves and their unique abilities; and engage others in critical-thinking and problem-solving activities. The camp will run for 3 consecutive weeks this June on campus at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Good work, Gabrielle! Eagle Nation is proud of you!
A photo collage of two students' school yearbook photos. Both students have dark hair  and glasses, and are smiling.

National Merit Scholarship Finalists!

JHS Seniors Sam Bowin (left) and Christian Cavener (right) have been named National Merit Scholarship Finalists!

This designation puts Sam and Christian among fewer than 1% of the initial pool of national student applicants. They have been chosen for this level of competition based on high scores on the PSAT/NMSQT assessments, combined with essay submissions.

The selection process is lengthy, competitive, and rigorous, and awardees are sought by colleges for their promising academic excellence and leadership skills. Congratulations to these outstanding Eagles, and best wishes on your paths ahead!
Check out the fantastic things happening all over Joplin Schools!
Students work on a composting project
A culinary arts student works in an industrial kitchen.
Students interview a newscaster on the set of JETHD using professional grade audio/visual equipment
Elementary students around a table celebrate the 100th day of school with a counting project.
Elementary students show off the crystals they made using borax during a science lesson
JHS sculpture students show off their tape-castings, which look like clear human exoskeletons, placed around the building.
Middle School students present their advanced science research project posters at a community event.
Elementary students read a glow-in-the dark storybook using flashlights for a March Reading Madness project

Teacher Proud Tuesday Winners

Teacher Proud Tuesday is one way we work to celebrate the fantastic efforts of our educators all year long, thanks to our partnership with GOCSD and sponsorship by our friends at Mid-Missouri Bank.

Teacher Proud Tuesday winners from third quarter include math teacher Jody Williams at North Middle School, first grade teacher Monica Bay at Jefferson Elementary, and special education teacher Heidi Hodges at JHS. Thank you for making such an impact on your students and their families.

Winners are chosen at random from the list of nominees and celebrated on the second Tuesday each month. Please nominate a teacher you feel deserves some recognition for their efforts.
Three Teacher Proud Tuesday collages, representing awardees from January, February, and March of 2025

It's almost time for Academic All-Stars!

Joplin Schools students in 4th-8th grades will be celebrated this April for their Growth, Proficient, and Advanced scores on last year's MAP tests.

  • Elementary students and their parents will celebrate during evening award assemblies, and social media posts to share. Keep an eye out for invitations to these events if you think your student will qualify.
  • Middle school students will celebrate during a daytime school assembly and Academic All-Stars party. These students will also be recognized with social media posts for parents to share.
We are proud of the hard work by teachers and students to prepare for MAP testing season, and we look forward to another great year celebrating this measure of academic growth for our Eagles!
Academic All Stars logo with medal and fireworks
A bulletin board with the Joplin Schools logo on it

Have you visited the Community Bulletin Board lately?

No more flyers lost in backpacks! Please bookmark and visit the new Community Bulletin Board at for updated links to events and opportunities from local nonprofits and groups serving local families.

We hope this streamlines the information available to our families, and offers an easy, one-stop-shop for regional non-profits to publicize their events to our Eagles. Check back regularly as more flyers are always being added!
The Eagle Express is sponsored by Mercy Hospital Joplin
An ad for Mercy Now. On a bright orange background, a sad-looking little girl sits with her face propped up on her hands. Text is superimposed to one side, saying "No one likes to wait. Find care now." the Mercy Now Logo is included.
No one likes to wait, especially when your child’s not feeling well.

Mercy has been working hard to eliminate the wait for great care. Their easy-to-use, online tools help you find the care you need now. From office visits to video visits, digital visits, urgent care and medical advice on-call, Mercy’s variety of options makes getting care as quick and convenient as possible. Learn more at
The Joplin Schools logo including the tagline "Learning Today For a Better Tomorrow"